Sunday, 9 March 2014

Happy Women’s Day!!!

There is lot that’s been written on equality. For a good reason too, all the political parties currently capturing the public’s imagination are playing to the gallery. Like AAP tongue tied between black apples and bad apples or BJP’s “Ze gays are conspiring to eradicate human population” or BJP’s Call against Love Jihad, the new Imtiaz Ali film.

But I think, the reason liberal argument cannot convince the “Socially Conservative” people is because both parties keep talking in hypotheticals of the extreme nature. People on both sides get caught in the sensationalism so much that they will defend “Bullshit Vs Horsecrap”. One side will argue bullshit has “Holy Value” and Horse Crap is the sucks only. While the Other side will say Horsecrap has more Methane value and Bullshit is soooo yesterday.

Now my point is - however right or wrong either parties maybe, they are still talking about excreta. And unless you’re talking about how to get rid of it; I don’t want that to be a national debate. Answers that any asshat can figure out, are enveloped with extreme prejudice so that you either feel ostracized for having logic or end up defending the indefensible.

I am a big believer in equality across all things – race, sex. Everybody should have racy sex. But enough about Tarun Tejpal’s fantasies.

8th March was celebrated as International Women’s Day. So ofcourse women were targeted for buying lot of pink shit specially made to appeal to Her Vaginal Roots. There was lot of self-congratulatory, “Women are the president of everything nowadays” talk with specific focus on how they are good at Multi-tasking. And then all the men imagined the said woman doing things with all her orifices at the same time and accepted that argument is in fact true. More self-congratulations are in order.

My point in these bizarre statements is not to insult anyone, it is to bring to light the fact that, the woman who have reached there, is most probably there because she is extremely good at what she does, rather than what hormones are raging inside her body, making her multitask the shit out of everything.

Which is where my earlier point comes in. Just because a thing is accepted in its generalities does not mean it should be retro fitted to every argument. It is not called the Man condition or the Woman condition. It is called the Human Condition.

To make my argument more pointed and funny here are a few videos. Only things I like to add is except for the first one, everybody in the rest of the videos are piles ridden a*holes, every single one of them.

1. Funny man has something to say

2. What happens when a Namo-tard is let loose

3. What happens when Vaibhav doesn’t buy a Valentine gift for Isha

4. This is what happens